BluePrints for hull of USS BlackHawk

    The Following are the design specifications of the USS BlackHawk, StarFleet registry number NCC 10283

This is a cut-away image of a Defiant Class ship (NOTE: The BlackHawk is a Modified Defiant Class).

Registry: NCC 10283
Class: Defiant (Modified)
Yard: (Classified Information)
Launch Date: 49905.02
CO: Captain Blood Wolf
XO: Lieutenant Commander Picard
Hull Data: Reinforced Duranium/Triranium Composite Alloy (enhancements classified) (Stealth Data Classified)
Length: 179.6 m - Width: 115.9 m - height: 35.9 m
Decks: 12
Running Lights: none
Computer: Modifies Defiant class ELCARS, BIOGEL interface (3 cores)
Features: Full StarFleet Science Reference, ALL StarFleet data on The Borg.
Core Size: 150,000,000 Terrs Bytes
Shields: Eight Meta-Phasic Shield Emitters with Multi-Phase Frequency Nuration
Shield emitters are, Dorsal Fore(2) Ventral Fore(2), Dorsal Aft(2), Ventral Aft(2), Aux.
1 which covers the whole of the ship including Warp engines. The Fore shields have max. charge of 495.50 MW and max. recharge time of 143.408 seconds, while the Aft shields have max. charge of 380.502 MW and max. recharging time of 109.875 secs. These shields can hold  up to 1000+ MW or direct Phased energy for 30 secs.
Additional Atmospheric shields added.
Landing struts: 4 Retractable Landing struts (pads are electro-magnetic).
Navigation Deflectors:
- 4 High power graviton polarity source generators
- 4x128 MW Graviton polarity sources
- 750 millicochrane subspace field distortion amplifiers
TriDent EMS-3 Shield System
300 MHz Twin Phasic Deflector grids, 2 Backup Generators each hull
Continuous deflection power: 3040 MW
Short burst deflection power: 452,000 MW for periods up to 405 ms
Phasers: 12 Type XI-xf Phaser Array Banks (Pulse/Beam)
The Arrays are: Forward, Rated at max. charge 87.65 MW and current charge of 70.00 MW
dorsal (mid), Ventral (mid), Rated at max. charge of 80.45 MW and current charge of 70.00 MW
Aft, Port and Starboard, Rated at max. charge of 75.65 MW and current charge of 60.00 MW
Recharge Time: 0.1 (further information is classified)
Effective Range: 100,000,000 Km
Torpedoes: (CLASSIFIED)
-Class-1 (Normal Sensor Probe)
-Class-2 (Enhanced Sensor Probe)
-Class-3 (Planetary Probe)
-Class-4 (stellar Encounter Probe)
-Class-5 (Medium range Recon Probes)
-Class-6 (Comm. Relay/Emergency Beacon)
-Class-7 (Remote Culture Study Probe)
-Class-8 (Medium Range Culture Study Probe)
-Class-9 (Stealth Borg Recon. Probe)
Warp Core(s): 2 XIII Class C Cores, 1 XII Class D Back-up Core (off-line)
Impulse Drive: 2 IPS-M151s Fusion Drive Reactors
Full Stop to 1/4 Impulse: 0.032 Seconds
Full Stop to 1/2 Impulse: 0.035 Seconds
Full Stop to Full Impulse: 0.047 Seconds
Max. Speed: 0.94 Warp
Warp Drive: (CLASSIFIED)
Warp Times:
Warp Factor 9.99 for 37 Hours (Max.)
Warp Factor 8.55 for 40 weeks (Cruising)
TransWarp Status: Untested

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